Thursday, January 24, 2013

New Lifestyle

As the new year begins I have made some very specific goals for myself which include the obvious goals that most people set with the beginning of a new year.  I have been successful for the past 23 days so I think I'm already ahead of past goals.  With that being said, I would like to share some of my success stories in hopes of helping others that may need a boost in the right direction.

I gained 70+ pounds when I got pregnant and decided to lose all of that plus the additional 15 pounds I gained right before getting pregnant.  Every day is a another day to do something that I will be proud of.

I would like to start with highly recommending these 2 workout programs:

You can order DVD's straight from their website along with online access to various videos.  These 2 programs are similar and you'll just need hand weights, a mat, and a chair or bar.  Each 50-60 min. workout burns around 200 calories and you'll definitely feel the burn.  TRY THESE OUT!

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